AI Detector (text)
Social media and search engines actively penalize AI-generated content, making it crucial to ensure that your content is human-generated.
Trustworthy results
We use the best AI in the market in order to provide the most accurate results for you. AI Detector has the lowest rate of fake positives and the highest accuracy rate out there.
Available for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Android
Our apps make scanning text to detect AI super easy. Simply copy paste, import a PDF or scan a physical copy with the camera. And now, AI Detector has an Action Extension to scan text from anywhere in your devices.
Plagiarism Checker
In order to make sure your content stays fresh and unique, AI Detector has built a best-in-class Plagiarism checker that will understand the nuances of nowadays re-writes. You'll get a list of phrases and source links for every plagiarism match.
Readability Checker
SEO is affected by many things, and Readability continues to be a main factor. AI Detector will give a detailed sentence by sentence report, including many indexes of Readability for you to leverage.
Web coming soon
We are building the app for web, to make it even easier for everybody.
Better than any other service
Studies have proven that AI Detector is the best service available to detect AI content. And our apps offer the best user experience on top of that.
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